Cannot open file (D:/Hosting/2130931/html/objx/wp-content/backup/.htaccess)Cannot write to file (D:/Hosting/2130931/html/objx/wp-content/backup/.htaccess) objx – design form lighting : milk


The milk crate just got a whole lot cooler…

Inspired by the hardworking, super-stackable and utilitarian milk crate, Luxxbox now brings you the Milk stool.

A mean space-saver, with its bi-directional stacking system, the Milk stool is perfect when you’ve got extra people in your space. Indoors or out, it’s a smooth talker in a back alley, just waiting for the conversation to heat up.

Available in classic black, white and tang, the Milk stool not only looks good, but is good for you!


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